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2004-08-24 - 8:48 a.m.

been busy. i mean, busy. kj flew in to NY for business so we camped out at her company apartment for a little while. and we drank. a lot. and we hung out with michael. and we felt really sexy and silly which i have not felt in a long time. i have a new favorite bar. and a new favorite bartender. my ex came to visit and we brunched for almost 3 hours in a place that felt like san francisco. the sky opened up on us as we headed to the met to see an andrew goldsworthy exhibit on the roof. it was closed. and the sky truned sepia and gold as the eve cleared for sunset but the effect inverted the sky so the cloud bellies were pink and heavy. we all walked out of the bar to see if it was real. and of course, it never is.

slowly but very surely i am getting a life.

< yeah >