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2005-06-16 - 1:09 a.m.

the danish couple who bought the unit below ours, came over tonight for a house dinner. it was a chaotic start. my housemate b2 and i had about 40 minutes to get it together. we opened some beers and focused. new potatoes. you should do something olive oil, rosemary and cracked black pepper. done. salad. dried cranberries, candied pecans, fuji apple thinly sliced, and gorgonzola sprinkled on the side. done. we had a fucking blast. we cooked and pretended to be civilized hosts. and talked about what we wanted in a partner. he said a parnter in crime. i will not jeopardize my living situation...and i'm SURE it will wear off...but for now, i am smitten. not nuts or anything, just crushed out. i just feel warm when he's around. and we get along really well. we jive. we're like old buddies. we're tuned in to each other. but he doesn't hit on me at all. he's just real. and i was just fine and charming at the dinner. i LOVED our neighbors. the husband and i cracked up about everything. and the wife took care of thier baby most of the time. and b2, c, and i did well. good salad. great wine. fantastic new potatoes. 4 hour company-proof iPod mix i made. we were pulling it off. it was also special because it was our first dinner as housemates. it was fucking cool. we did a good job. and i need to chill the fuck out over b2. it's going to be a solid friendship...if i could just drop the urge to wrap my legs around him and stick his tongue down my throat.

like i said, don't worry. i will NOT jeapordize my palace status. i just need a space to air it all out. and that space is here, you judgemental fucks.

< yeah >